Pure Value Metrics AG is fully regulated as a Swiss Portfolio Manager under the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA

Service & Regulation
PVM intends to introduce clients (each a “Client”) to Swiss regulated banks and/or broker dealers or to foreign financial institutions subject to equivalent regulation („Bank / Broker-Dealer“). PVM is only subject to Swiss Federal Anti-Money Laundering Act. PVM is not regulated as Bank or Broker Dealer in Switzerland or abroad. Trading takes place via the trading platform of the Bank / Broker-Dealer. The decision to (i) open a deposit account with the Bank / Broker-Dealer, and (ii) trade (buy or sell) specific financial instruments is taken solely by the Client and without advice from PVM. PVM does not monitor Client (deposit) accounts.
PVM does not act as representative of any Bank / Broker-Dealer. PVM takes no responsibility for the activities of the Bank / Broker-Dealer, in particular PVM assumes no liability for the usability of the Trading Platform or for information and documents provided by the Bank / Broker-Dealer. The Bank / Broker-Dealer assumes no liability for PVM’s activities.
PVM will be compensated by the Bank / Broker-Dealer for the introduction of Clients. The remuneration paid by the Bank / Broker-Dealer depends on transaction volumes and on product classes traded by the Client.
Conflicts of Interest
PVM’s remuneration by the Bank/Broker Dealer may lead to conflicts of interest. In particular, the Client may be introduced to Banks/Broker Dealers that pay more remuneration than others or the Client may be induced to transact, to transact products with higher volumes or to transact in specific product classes. PVM, its directors and employees can also have or can have had their own interest in securities or other values referred to directly or indirectly on this website. Furthermore these persons can have or can have had relations to companies or can provide or can have provided services for companies that are referred to directly or indirectly on this website.
Market Information
Any and all information provided by PVM on this website, including, but not limited to, Market Information, does not constitute a recommendation to invest or trade; Clients should seek their own investment, tax, legal or other advice they may deem necessary to reach their decision to trade/invest. The Client should obtain risk disclosures with regard to financial instruments, product classes and investment services before engaging in any trading activity. Any and all information, including, but not limited to, Market information does not constitute financial research.
Electronic Communication
Information may be exchanged with the Client and third parties (in particular the Bank/Broker Dealer) by means of electronic communication such as e-mail, internet applications or SMS. The transmission of information via electronic means is subject to risks, in particular the risk of manipulation or gaining of knowledge by unauthorised third parties or the risk of wrong delivery.