Pure Value Metrics AG is fully regulated as a Swiss Portfolio Manager under the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA

Pure Value Metrics has defined unique logic in our approach to Asset Management, combining multiple factors in our search to provide long term value for our Clients.
We currently have two different Portfolio offerings; firstly our classical unleveraged Long only Global Equity model (suitable for all investors), and an Equity & Precious Metals Long Short model, designed to generate double alpha (suitable for Professional and Institutional clients only).
How to Invest with us
Presently we only offer discretionary managed accounts with a starting Capital greater than 500k CHF (or equivalent).
If you would like to invest with us, express an interest in our listed offering, or for any other questions, please either use the contact button below or write to us directly at info@purevaluemetrics.com
Our Investment Philosophy

Fundamental Design
In 2015 we developed our dynamic Investment Matrix consisting of six fundamental variables, designed to identify value opportunities within Global Equities.
Our Investment Matrix is constructed to identify and establish sustainable value. There are many reasons why that value may also not be sustainable, such as changing consumer requirements or spending more on share buybacks than current cashflow permits, the PVM Investment Matrix reacts to these changes.

Systematic Throughout
We utilize daily proprietary algorithmic screening, with a high degree of automation to analyze the global equity universe, monitor our Clients' Portfolios, and identify new opportunities.
Furthermore, we use algorithmic execution when buying and selling our clients' portfolios, where appropriate.

Deeper Understanding
Driven by deep analysis of balance sheets and employing further levels of qualitative analysis, results in a thorough understanding of the companies we invest in.
We consider factors, such as; the mix of Goodwill and Intangibles to Net Equity, tracking deviations from recognized Accounting Standards​ and taking a broader view of the global economic landscape.

Better Together
The combination of quantitative systematic analysis, overlaid with qualitative reviews and active management within clearly defined parameters, results in an investment model which is both robust and not easy to replicate.
Stable returns are achieved by taking less investment risk, at higher valuations.

We believe that an uncompromising investment process is a key component in delivering consistent returns.
Consistent Systematic Valuation
Analysis of Balance Sheet and Global Macro Trends
PVM Investment Process